Foot problem frequency among Americans versus barefoot populations Dr. Peter J. Fowler, former President of the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine and Head of the Barefoot Science Medical and Scientific Advisory Board explains, “This is a real breakthrough since 85% of all Americans seek medical treatment for foot-related pain. By comparison, only 3% of people in barefoot populations have debilitating foot problems.”
POSE Running Technique Characteristics
1. S-like body position with slightly bent knees 2. Forward lean from the ankles to employ gravity and work with it not against it 3. Pulling or lifting feet up under the hip not behind the buttocks 4. Ball of foot landing under your body (your GCM - general center of mass)
Barefoot and Free vs. Supported and Controlled by Dr. Ted Forcum, DC Go to page 12 or search for “Forcum”
Perspectives on the Use of Flexible Versus Controlling Footwear and Orthoses.
As humans evolved, the shoe became the point of contact to buffer man from the earth’s hard surfaces. This poses the question: Does footwear technology parallel the decline of our organs of locomotion (muscles, tendons and joints), or have they allowed for greater sustainability and reduced degeneration? After all, Zola Budd set a world record in 5,000m and Abebe Bikila won gold in the 1960 Olympic Marathon, both barefoot . . .